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Take a piece of my land


I need milk

My cow is no longer producing any milk

Minister Agriculture says, ‘I have a solution!’

‘I am going to Zim, I will feed the cows there to start producing milk then we export.’

I need food

This cost of living is making it hard to feed my family

Minister Health says, ‘I have a solution!’

‘If we reduce the number of deliveries, we can then have fewer mouths to feed.’

I need fuel for my car

It is now too expensive to drive to work

Minister Energy says, ‘I have a solution!’

‘From now on we will use our own currency to buy fuel from Russia!’

I need sleep

Am too stressed with how hard life is to have enough sleep to function at work

The Vice President says, ‘I have a solution!’

‘You just need to wake up like I do and go to work, see it is easy!’

I need a job

I keep applying but am not being selected, is my name an issue now?

The President says, ‘I have a solution!’

‘Maybe if you change your surname and be my tribesman it would work!’


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