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GMB 4: What’s love

‘ What is love?

Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more.’

Oh how we all wish love was simple, faultless and pure but this is never always the case. Haddaway said it better in the song ‘what is love.’


Siba met Kasanda over for coffee at their favourite spot in Nairobi. Kasanda had just texted him ‘something is missing’ and he asked her to meet him up for coffee. 


Choosing a table for two by the far corner, they sat down.


Siba: Hi Kasanda, you look good!

Kasanda: Am just wearing jeans and a sweater top. 

Siba: You still look good. I know you don’t like compliments!{smirking}

Kasanda:{smiling shyly} You look official, are you from court?

Siba: Yea...l had case at milimani law courts. One of my firm’s client was arrested for being drunk and disorderly with violence  as he had attacked one of the police officers saying, ‘do you know who l am, you stupid Empty officer!’ The judge was ruthless and fined the guy way more for his release.

Kasanda: Am sure it was because the guy behaved entitled.l do believe silence on certain occasions is power, like the deadliest animals on the planet don’t even roar but when they attack, one will roar of fear/pain.

Siba: True!


The waiter interrupts to take their orders. Siba opts for fresh juice and Kasanda orders an americano. Siba then informs the waiter that he should come to take their meal orders a bit later.


Siba: {taking one sip of his juice he looked up}Kasanda, how are you?

Kasanda: Am busy most days at work but am doing ok too. Let’s talk Siba 

Siba: We are talking aren’t we

Kasanda: but we haven’t been doing that of late...would you say...l even forgot l had a boyfriend!

Siba: l know...l know it is mainly my fault. It has just been dealing with so much.

Kasanda: l have been dealing with a lot too on my side and l wanted to share with my boyfriend but he was never available. 

Siba: Trust me Kasanda, l didn’t want to share with you my burden and it was for your good.

Kasanda: l don’t get it...why are we dating then? And more so we were friends first or did that change when l said yes?


The waiter comes again to ask if they are ready to order a meal. Siba looks angrily at the waiter and informs him to leave them for now and that he will call him when they are ready.


Siba: {looking back at Kasanda as the waiter walks away} l love you  Kasanda...with all my whole being loves you! That would never change!

Kasanda: l know you believe you do love me! But what does that mean when you decide to hide parts of yourself from me?

Siba: l do love friends know l family knows too. Why can’t you believe me? I don’t share certain parts of myself with you because l love you too much to burden you with my problems.  Baby l love you too much to give you such a responsibility.

Kasanda: Can you even hear yourself right now! I don’t get it. If you decide to shut me off on certain areas of your life and l do the same...what kind of relationship will we be in? I choose you of the boys who were hitting me up. Choosing you scared me and that’s why l did say yes when you asked me to be your girlfriend after several attempts. I choose to learn and grow in love with you. I choose to share my family and whole life with you! Why didn’t you choose me? To share your whole being- the good, bad and ugly? I wasn’t expecting Prince Charming 24/7, Shrek is also lovable too.

Siba: Forgive me Kasanda....give me another chance to try be open more with you. Please say yes again to me. {reaching out he took Kasanda hand and looked at her waiting for her response}.

Kasanda: {holding her breath and at that moment she felt they were just the two of them} Yes....l choose you again. Now let’s eat and you’ll have to tip the waiter were rude to him initially.

Siba: {laughing} Thanks Kasanda. I won’t take it for granted. 

Siba gestured to their waiter to come to take their meal orders. They talked some more about Siba’s court cases and they made plans for a road trip with their couple friends to Nakuru.



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