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Who's to say part 4: Yikes what happened?

 'Yikes what happened?' I liked the people who asked me directly to my face rather than whispering to my back. This is actually a funny just be prepared to laugh..or not...some people are definitely hard rocks to cracks. Take my elder sister Lauren for would tell her the most funny joke that made everyone in the office laugh their ribs off but she wouldn't even crack a smile and you are left explaining your joke that is cracking you up to the point it stops being funny. The only time she would really laugh happens in situations where most people wouldn't e.g. looking like a hippie in an outfit/ having angry bird eyebrows/ mispronouncing english words. These and so many more that are considered embarrassing to the next human being cracks her up. One just needs to say these magic words, 'Nakaa aje? (How do l look?) or ‘What do you think?' and be ready. If all is ok she won't laugh but if by any chance you always look like a hippie (like me more often than not)  be ready for the laughter that would say it all.


So what exactly happened to me in this journey of mine in dealing with PCOS? For starters, one of the many symptoms of pcos is acne, and l got an outbreak of that. I ignored it for a while but as it got worse l knew l had to deal with it as l was off pcos medication. The medication was quite expensive and when I learnt it only dealt with the symptoms and doesn’t treat it per se, l was like why bother spending money on them. I decided to deal with the symptoms the natural ways through diet, exercise and mental wellness that would help keep my insulin balanced for proper hormonal balance. You know I was fine with acne, knowing it would go away as long as my insulin levels were balanced. I was fine with it until it was pointed out to me by another person, the one that said the first ‘Yikes!’ As humans we only tend to notice something negative about ourselves especially when someone points it out...would you agree?


I just remembered am to crack you up and not make you feel sorry or any other emotion apart from laughter.  So as i searched the web that would say headaches can be a sign of brain cancer, l looked for natural solutions (am always team natural). I then thought of my cousin who used to smear a concoction of avocado, orange and raw eggs to her face that made her stink of it and my campus roommate who opted for turmeric that made her face look like an orange, and then i shut down my laptop and opted to sleep on it. I tend to do that alot l guess….shut off pretend it doesn’t bother until the point l now have to deal with it. My 1+1=1 (Siba) at that time was ok with it. He was supportive and one of a kind and agreed to go on a supportive diet with me...we lost so much weight together and he was my emotional support during the journey. I still remember after my first visit to the doctor, because of missed periods that led to the diagnosis of PCOS, when i told him and my elder sister Lauren (both are ‘learned friends’) they found cysts in my two ovaries they were shocked to tears and they all asked me this(for real):


Siba and Lauren: ‘ you mean to say your ovaries have reduced from a million to two because of the cysts?


Trust me i didn't believe the question myself, all that reading in Law school l guess makes one forget basic biology. I laughed so hard as I thought they were joking on asking such a question...but on looking at their faces, l realized wololo these guys are actually serious. Putting my serious face back l explained to them the basic biology of a woman’s reproductive system. I hope l don't have to explain to the person reading this..fingers crossed!


My acne treatment journey is l didn’t go for natural treatments. I tried it all...the skin care product written certified by a dermatologist to expert certified and even the expect to see changes in weeks. All of these were a waste of my hard earned money and when a mwitu dermatologist with several positive recommendations came to my table l was l like why not...the experts have failed so this might work. I was given a number of this lady that made skin care products at name it she got it. It felt like l was initiating a contact with ‘mganga kutoka…’ Our first interaction was quite professional tho, she only asked to see photos of my face, then gave me a 20% off on the initial treatment, the following day after paying the needed amount, l got the treatment delivered to me at my doorstep.

The treatment, orange in colour was in a jar with no name(kinda like how our African mothers reuse ice cream containers). I was out of options so l decided to give it a go and faithfully applied it daily. It was working but Yikes 2 happened!


To be continued!



Anonymous said…
Good read
Dk said…
I like your friend's reaction.
Can't wait for part 2...

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