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Who's to say part 3: So what can you eat 1?

Click this to check part 2

 'So what can you eat?'

Jolly asks as she looks over the menu to me. 

We are seated at Java for a catchup and for the first time l can say l know what exactly l can eat.

'I'll have a Grilled chicken sandwich with brown bread please' I say to the waiter as he approached our table. 

Knowing exactly what l was to eat hasn't always been an easy sail. I had many fails. I still remember the times l ate something then afterwards realized  wasn't supposed to. My guilt afterwards would make me put the Beyoncé 'freedom song' then embark on a 15-20 minutes exercise to 'burn' the forbidden.

'Singin' freedom! freedom! Where are you?

cause l need freedom, too

I break chains all by myself

Won't let my freedom rot in hell

Hey! I'ma keep running

Cause a winner don't quit on themselves'

Beyoncé's Freedom lyrics 

 'Kasanda...come we make a shopping list on what you eat'

These were the first first days...we all were trying to figure out the change in dynamics to the family table. 

Mum already had a time with my sibling all being choosy on what foods they eat and the preparations style. For instance, Laurel would be like, l like dry fish without soup but lets have soup on the side because when its too dry it hurts my throat...then Apollo will then say l like fish made with soup in it, makes the fish soft to eat. Thus, whenever fish was made, at one time it was made to Laurel's liking and the next time is Apollo's liking.

Sometimes Apollo and Laurel went too far. Whenever we visit with someone and we are invited for a meal, then a particular meal is not to either of their liking, one would then say they usually don't take that particular item. The guest shocked then asks mum, who will thus have to go with flow and say something like this:

'You know modern kids nowadays are allergic to everything!'

 I was the easiest child mum would say when it came to food. Then all this changed with the diagnosis. In the first weeks of the diagnosis, l remember making a list of what i can and l can't eat. My can't side was longer and l started looking for leeway l can get away with eating certain products in the can't my all time favourite.... CHOCOLATES(imagine am shouting here) - all flavours from caramel, mint, coffee, mint, milk, white, dark (sorry to make you mouth water for chocolate lovers like me). 

So l placed chocolate in the mid but that stopped when chocolate sent me to the ER.

Am serious on that, this is how chocolate sent me to the ER:

'Kasanda are you sure you are supposed to take chocolate?'

Mum asked just when l was reaching for the fifth chocolate sweet, my mind engrossed in something crazy hilarious SpongeBob and Patrick were doing in bikini bottom .

'It's ok mum, the internet say l can take it once in a while and since am not planning to take any more in the week, l will do once a week.' 

Ps. the internet can give you any biased information for your benefit. Like how alcohol is good for your helps in weight to lose weight without to get rich without name it, it got you covered! 

Lets just say l forgot to read the byline and l stuffed myself chocolate a 'normal person' will take for a week in just 2 hours. I think l ate more than 20 chocolate sweets.

In short lets just say, early the following morning my stomach was like:

Why(why?), why(why?), does she do me that way

I responded

Tell them that it's human nature 

I was rushed to the hospital and later that day after getting relief, l promised myself not to take more than 2 chocolate sweets a day. A good compromise l thought to myself.

See that girl, she knows l'm watching

-My stomach singing to me Human nature (MJ) part lyrics 

To be continued



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