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GMD 2: They met!!


'And from the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man, he made a woman and brought her to him.’
Genesis 2:22

‘It takes two to tango!’ These were the words Kasanda told Siba as she was rejecting his advances. A year later, Siba kept reminding her of this. So how did girl meet boy or what is it more of how they found each other?

‘And Adam said,’ This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man,’
Genesis 2:23

‘What’s the deal with him?’ Kasanda asked her friend Aggie while pointing out to the new boy in Med School hostels. He never looked like a medical student with his well tucked flowered shirt, well ironed trousers and a trench coat. His outfits never screamed the word Medical Students. So what kind of outfit made a Medical student? For clinical rotations- a plain shirt (blue/ white) and a trouser; for class, people like Benja would come in with Chelsea football jersey and jeans/ plain black trousers. Kasanda was definitely intrigued by him.
Kasanda did a little digging and found out he was not from Med School, a law student from Moi University he was. Male students from Moi School of Law were known for their reputation of being ‘fisi’-loosely translated to hyena- one that is a ‘player.’ So, to Kasanda it was a no go, she opted to keep her blinders on despite how good she felt he looked.

Siba noticed her when he was at the kitchen and Kasanda passed, he noticed her little shyness and playful side. ‘She is so beautiful!’ he thought to himself, but he knew he wasn’t ready to pursue a new relationship just after getting out of a toxic one, that broke the friendship of two best friends. He needed to take time off to get over the break-up, so he came to stay with his cousin in Med School. A break he welcomed when the cousin offered. It didn’t take long before Siba met Kasanda again…this time officially. She came by someday in the room he was staying with his cousin and two other guys, she was friends with them. His cousin, Robert introduced them and then she went straight ahead to have a talk with the other roommate on class arrangements being they were both class representatives.

‘What’s the deal with her?’ Siba asked Robert when Kasanda left.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Is she always like that? She acted like l wasn’t even there!’
‘Don’t worry bro, that is how she is.’

Kasanda had never felt so stressed in her life as she kept looking at her wrist watch waiting for the dreaded 12pm. She had hoped talking with Dan, the other class rep, would distract her from the thoughts that were eating her alive. That never helped and on leaving his room the thoughts were right back with her. She remembered how she never really studied well for the Pharmacology and Physiology exams, knowing very well how strict Dr. Ojiambo and Dr. Kamuren were strict with marking. Her roommate and friend Aggie was sitting relaxed on the bed watching a movie while enjoying juice and popcorns and never really noticed the distress in her friend’s face. So Kasanda entered the room and went straight to her bed leaving it all up to fate. Her phone beeped and the first thought that came to mind was maybe it was released early…she quickly pulled it out from the pocket and it was a message from her sister.

‘Mr. Ogola was found dead in his car today!’

Tears started flowed down her eyes, a second dad to her and siblings he was…the one they called when their dad never showed up for visiting day in high school. He was their dad’s best friend and his kids were close friends with Kasanda and her siblings. She then decided to go out for a walk around the hostel, wearing a hood so that no one saw her tears while thinking of all the fond memories she had of him.  The times he used to crack jokes that would make both families stay awake laughing throughout the night, till even Kasanda’s strict mum would forget how late it was. He was one person who would always found a way of lighting a mood…a boring wedding or even a funeral…you name it…you will find people seated around him laughing. Kasanda’s dad treated him as a brother and he always went with him on any family function either had. She also remembered also the way he said (in a deep luo accent) he was going to be the MC in her graduation, and they were deliberating on the joke he should/should not use.

‘Our girl is a force to be reckoned with!
She went to school and brought a paper degree and not a walking one (in reference to getting pregnant while in campus)
Now all we can wait for is all the diners she will take us at Kempinski
Then we will charge a pricey dowry when she becomes a Professor
She will have to be honoured wherever she goes
Our own Lupita wan’gi (we have)!’

That always ended with Kasanda laughing her ribs out and honoured at the wonderful complements she got from him amidst the jokes. All she could think of was how lucky the heavens were going to be!

A few hours later another beep came in from her phone, a confirmation on being on the pass list. ‘What a bitter sweet thing!’ she thought to herself as she returned her phone back to the pocket. Her mum called later on and she could hear the sadness from her voice, she couldn’t bring herself to tell her the good news. Walking back to her room, she thought of Mr. Ogola’s daughter, and promised to call her first thing tomorrow morning. Mr. Ogola was finally laid to rest at the eve of Christmas.


‘Now it is the time to prove yourself !’These were the words her mum told her as she bid her bye at the hostel gate after helping her put her stuff in her room. This was Kasanda’s first year at the university.  She was too afraid to cry as the parents drove away, reminding herself that this was not boarding school, she can go home whenever she felt like. Back in the hostels she bonded right ahead with her roommates; Joy, Sheila and Joan, which made the feeling of homesickness go away for all of them as they talked till 1 am.

As the sun shone so brightly in her room reminding her of 10 minutes they all had for orientation..’they woke up late!’ Joy went to shower first, but soon enough forgot they were getting late…so she was talking her sweet time…this made them to eventually get late for the orientation, they were the last in...and a lesson was learnt never to let Joy shower first. Orientation passed and then classes began: An introduction to Anatomy by Dr. Ndiema was something nobody really looked forward to, even Kasanda herself. Dr. Ndiema kind of reminded everyone of that high school teacher who was all work and no play, he could teach for four hours without even cracking a joke. The only time the class ‘silently laughed’ was when after a three hour lecture he would go around asking questions.

‘Hey! You stand up!’ He would roar
Everyone would then try and avoid eye contact
‘Yes, you who is avoiding me!’
The worst mistake is looking up to see if it’s directed to you
‘Yes, you…stand up! Stand up and demonstrate flexion’

The guy who looked, stands up and looks at his hands miserably , maybe waiting for a miracle to happen. You could never help or soon enough you will be slapped with hard series of questions leaving you appearing like a fool with a bruised ego.
The guy looked so stupid standing there looking at his hand…Kasanda and her classmates then ‘silently laugh’-laugh with their eyes while acknowledging his laughter was forbidden in his class. As months went by,  Kasanda and the rest of the first years realized flexion was the easiest thing in Med school, just a bending of the hand towards your shoulder, they were in for even bigger trouble!’

Kasanda was always busy involved in various activities in campus and knew she can’t be able to give time to any prospects that come. Her whole class knew her and Masumbi would be able be date since they used to spend so much time together but they didn't.
Masumbi was known as the ladies man and the ‘Father Abraham’ – since whenever he was drunk you’ll hear him sing that song…as it goes for those who didn’t attend Sunday School…’Father Abraham, had many sons…’ People never got why he loved that particular song and himself he never explained.

Masumbi knew Kasanda is a hard woman to get and all his advance were rejected but he liked being her friend. As friends they worked on many projects together, he even took her out during her birthday but they still never dated and they both learned from each other. Kasanda loved Masumbi’s free spirit despite having lost both parents and he taught her how to take life one step at time and she never forgot this stupid yet interesting quote he told her, ‘Let worry, worry for itself!’ Kasanda became freer with people and her surroundings all thanks to hanging out with Masumbi and she still thanks him for teaching him how to text like a ‘normal person.’

Then came the banker, she was introduced to Dennis by her high school best friend when she wanted to invest in shares. Dennis worked at a bank as a broker. Kasanda went the following day alone with the required documents to open an account and invest in shares. Dennis immediately liked her and so he decided to hold on clearing for her until lunch hour, at which he insisted on taking her out to lunch. They immediately bonded and even when Kasanda left for school they talked late into the night. It was through him that Kasanda learnt the skillful art of stock exchange and great planning. Dennis was a great planner and everything he did was planned, even though they never officially dated as Dennis planned on marriage, they remained friends but lost touch when Kasanda was in her third year…she figured he must have gotten married.


‘You know your way to Eldoret, here take your mum’s suitcase and go to school.’ These was the words Siba’s father told him on the day of first year reporting at Moi University. Siba was lucky to have saved some money when he worked as a substitute teacher in his former high school while waiting for the date of reporting. He used it to do shopping for himself and left some for his sister as pocket money. His fist day in campus was bitter sweet for Siba, he couldn’t help but feel jealous for all who came with both of their parents for admission. All he could think about in the long admission line were her words, ‘he who laughs last laughs best.’ These words were his source of comfort in every step of his life, as it reminded him that no bad situation lasts forever.

No one loves day 1 admission to University, apart from the long lines it also involved meeting new roommates uncertain of their behaviour- whether they will be the type that would displace you the whole night when boo is around, party hopper who vomits the whole night in the room or just the inconsiderate bookworm who would has lights on at odd hours of the night. For Siba it was no exception, after clearing the long strenuous admission process, he found his way to his room, Pazuri hostels room 34. Paul, Tom and Eddy were his new roommates, they all sat and narrated their dream of being in law school and the areas they wanted to specialise after graduation. A typical discussion almost every first student thinks about before they even begin their first class. ‘Social Foundation of Law- can we be governed by morality? Is the first question Mr. Ochich asked the excited first years…’Forget all about right and wrong behaviour, here you will only learn about the law! And also about loopholes to a guilty pleas..’ the class roared to laughter at Mr. Ochich’s remark.
As classes progressed like any typical class, there was divisions and classifications:

·      Professors- the students who read ahead and always had answers to every questions asked and scored higher than the rest in exams/projects
·      Lazybones-never finished projects on time, always ended up copying other people’s project work
·      Silent killers-the ones who never talked in class but known to be club bend overs/ ‘chafua meza’ type
·      The campus newsperson- these are the most reliable people to have as a friend in campus so that you don’t miss out on any exam leak, best campus rooms, ‘moshene’…you name it, they know/have it
·      Class couple- am sure in every class you will never miss a couple with major couple goals
·      Groupies- ‘for disclaimer am not a fan these groups’ they walk together to and fro class as if they are in a cult (not hating…just a view)
·      Members- these are would refer to them as the rest, they don’t completely belong to any specific category
·      The ‘It crowd’-everyone wants to be them, look like them or even be friends with them

Siba belonged to the ‘it crowd’ and together with four other friends they loved to organize parties and were always invited to every campus party and every event.

Chapter 3....


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