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 I Know we have all at one point in our lives heard the phrase, ‘You have big shoes to fill’. It is often told to us sometimes by our dear parents, teachers, colleagues or friends whenever someone close to us especially an elder who performed exceptionally well in school, graduated with high honors in school, got the best employment with high earning income and married filthy rich. They all without any doubt expect you to fit into the legacy’s big shoes, terming that it should come easy for you since the law of nature and nurture is on your side and an emulation or a better achievement than the legacy is expected. Literally having to fill big shoes entails growth; physically, emotionally and cognitively but in the direction as created by the legacy.

However, we always forget that each individual has their own unique personality that characterizes their character. Even introverts aren’t the same as there are some l term ‘loud introverts’ and others ‘silent introverts’…anyways that’s a discussion for another day. Ones unique personality will characterize the way they will go about their day to day life. Which explains how one will take a particular route to achieve a goal and another may take a different route to achieve the same goal…the end justifying the means.

A shoemaker has the ability to make and repair shoes…whether it’s at some corner in the streets or in some fancy building designing Dolce & Gabbana shoes. Their aim being a form of perfection on the shoes is achieved…paying attention to detail, craftsmanship and quality. As Ayn Rand says in her book the Fountainhead, ‘A building is alive, like a man. Its integrity is to follow its own truth, its one single theme and to serve its own single purpose.’ We are all unique so just as a shoemaker, lets create our own shoes, expand them when need be, mend them when there is an indication of damage, clean and polish them when they get dirty to get them shiner than before.  Why not be a shoemaker and be the creator of your own destiny by making your own shoes to fill.


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