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Showing posts from January, 2021

My F**k moment !

  F**k...sht...f*k!!! Photo by Camila Quintero Franco on Unsplash I said it all. Like what the f*k!!! I can’t stop cussing. Everything was going to sh* literally living from another's’ pocket, a dollar a day...why the f*k did l quit my job!   F**k! I can’t sleep! I either study late in the night or worry myself out of sleep. Dark eyed circled monster walking....give way...or don’t..l won’t make it outside in daylight. The night is my day!   F**k! The sun hasn’t touched my face in weeks, as l only leave my room with the sunset to buy food. No one to see this dark eyed circle monster walking!   F**k! What am doing here! This sh*t is so fucking hard! I want to quit but l can’t. I promised myself never to quit again!   F**k! I do have a problem! Let me call my friend Jolly l talk it out! Plus l need sleep medication...this fking meditation ain’t helping. Them sport shoes are arriving am f*king gonna start jogging with sunrise from tomorrow. He m