GIRL MEETS BOY CHAPTER 2 'And from the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man, he made a woman and brought her to him.’ Genesis 2:22 ‘It takes two to tango!’ These were the words Kasanda told Siba as she was rejecting his advances. A year later, Siba kept reminding her of this. So how did girl meet boy or what is it more of how they found each other? ‘And Adam said,’ This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man,’ Genesis 2:23 ‘What’s the deal with him?’ Kasanda asked her friend Aggie while pointing out to the new boy in Med School hostels. He never looked like a medical student with his well tucked flowered shirt, well ironed trousers and a trench coat. His outfits never screamed the word Medical Students. So what kind of outfit made a Medical student? For clinical rotations- a plain shirt (blue/ white) and a trouser; for class, people like Benja would come in with Chelsea footb...
I love me the color red and especially my red jumper. When I wear it I feel in the zone to be lost in writing my thoughts, experiences and even loves. Welcome to my writing zone!