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Showing posts from September, 2021

GMB 5: The unsaid is said

‘We found each other I helped you out of a broken place You gave me comfort But falling for you was my mistake’             - Call out My Name by the Weeknd   This is the end. Maybe is the fact that Siba asked his friend if they could exchange girlfriends or that Kasanda forgot she was dating Siba when she let another guy flirt with her. It was the word unsaid that needed to be said, who was going to say it first?   Kasanda The news of her Uncle’s death devastated her, her mother’s brother. The news came just a few days after they had gone to see him at the hospital and he had looked so much better. Maybe that is the thing about death, it likes to creep in when least expected. A secrecy it dwells upon, only sometimes known to the one with whom it owes. Kasanda was placed in charge of designing and printing the funeral programs, and the graveyard flowers acquisition. It helped distract her from feeling the loss of his death. At each end of the day, Kasanda would chec

Break-up, the slow drift

Breaking up is the easy part Just ending it and wishing the other person the best… Sounds easy right? Or say you are better off without me… Easy right? Yes, l do say yes!   So what is the hardest part? The gear-shift drift This is just after the break-up For a few weeks or months you loath the breakup and delete all signs of the person in your life Next, you miss the person and search for a few photos of the person with you in a group photo I only leave group photos  Even for a split second, you think of checking in on them on social media   The stop-over drift  You look back into the relationship… The good…the bad…the toxic And justify breaking up, and now you no longer miss the person  You love and enjoy meeting other people  And maybe even reach out to the one that got away   The 360-degree drift This is the curveball Your ex reaches out saying they miss you You now have a decision to make, to turn back to them or choose to stay on y