Yikes 2! So, my acne treatment from my mwitu Doctor seemed to be working but l unfortunately didn’t notice something until it was too late. To understand how this happened, l may have to tell you about my routine during that time. It was more of work, sleep, remember to eat and repeat. To be honest l used to be consumed with my work that I forgot to eat at times, i had a job that consumed me and l liked it. I was a workaholic and worked till odd hours and more often than not, ended up consuming one meal a day or just a snack. Funnily enough l always remembered to sleep or it was more of my body giving in to its physiological need. I lost 10kg within a month! ‘My child you haven’t been eating!’ These were among the first words my mum said to me when l went to visit them at home. Dad’s reaction was more of, ‘He! Kwani there was no food in Nairobi?’ Mum then told me to ask my boss to work from outside Nairobi so l can regain a healthy weight. After talking ...
I love me the color red and especially my red jumper. When I wear it I feel in the zone to be lost in writing my thoughts, experiences and even loves. Welcome to my writing zone!